Curriculum Outline

Early Years Foundation Stage

Early Years Foundation Stage

The curriculum of the Early Years Foundation Stage underpins all future learning by supporting, fostering, promoting and developing childrens’ skills in these areas.

At The Academy we work within a broad curriculum encompassing social, emotional, creative, cultural and sporting interests whilst at the same time celebrating and enjoying the unique environment that The Academy offers.

Within the theme of Learning and Development there are seven areas of learning. There are three Prime areas which are Communication and Language,Physical development and Personal,Social and Emotional development, and four Specific areas; Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world and Expressive arts and design. All areas of learning are important and inter-connected. In Nursery, Reception 1 and Reception 2 stimulating, engaging and appropriate experiences encourage active learning and help to develop enquiring minds. Continuous provision enables each child to develop their skills, competencies and their thinking to the best of their ability across all areas of learning. Children throughout EYFS are working towards the Early Learning Goals, as outlined in the EYFS Framework. 





The Curriculum

The curriculum for our youngest students is based on the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, as updated in September 2021. The four guiding principles of EYFS are: 

  •   A Unique Child
    •  Positive Relationships
    •  Enabling Environments
    •  Learning and Development 


Reception classes have Spanish sessions twice a week. The teachers works closely to ensure a stimulating programme of study for the children, that enriches and complements the two languages.  This is beneficial in all areas of learning and provides an ideal opportunity for active learning in a stimulating bi-lingual environment. The classes are interactive and dynamic and use songs, stories and puppets to engage the children’s attention, promote understanding and contextualise vocabulary. Spanish classes are taught both in the classroom and outdoors. Children respond to the outdoor stimulation and language opportunities can be greatly enhanced by the natural outdoor environment.  

The Academy Early Years Foundation Stage offers our youngest pupils a positive and fulfilling introduction to formal education. The balance between a structured, stimulating education and a relaxed, nurturing environment helps to promote a positive attitude towards school life. 

The experiences and opportunities offered in Nursery and Reception classes prepare our pupils for a comfortable and seamless transition to the next stage of their education. Our pupils will leave the Early Years Foundation Stage as confident, caring, independent and adept learners, ready for and excited about the challenges of the more formal experiences of Key Stage 1.