Day to day



At The Academy there are lots of extra curricula activities and events. We follow the curriculum and in addition there are many interesting and exciting field trips and outings, theme weeks and activities to enrich the lives of the students. These are as diverse as dressing up for a charity event, taking part in a debating competition, visiting local beaches to help with beach clean ups and study the coastline and making food collections for homeless people in their immediate environment.


Assemblies are held once a week in each key stage.  The students meet together outdoors or in the hall and it is a time to celebrate their achievements, welcome speakers and share day-to-day experiences with the rest of the school. Classes take turns in presenting short performances of their work in class to their peers.


In the morning the students have a playground from 10:45 to 11:15 and in the afternoon in Key Stage 1 there is a short break. All playgrounds are supervised and clearly differentiated by course. At lunchtime from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m., the students eat in several shifts and have time to play and enjoy different activities such as active lunch.


In KS1 and KS2 students have school from Monday to Friday. The day starts at 8:55 and ends at 16:00. There is a diverse range of extracurricular activities every day from 16:00 to 17:00 including football, dance, skateboarding, horse-riding, playing musical instruments and cooking.  There is also an “early birds” service for those parents who have to drop off their children earlier in the morning.

Healthy food

At THE ACADEMY, healthy eating is promoted and students are encouraged to adopt a positive attitude towards their nutrition. In the dining room the staff work very hard to offer fresh and nutritionally balanced meals every day.

Every day we work to adapt our menus to include seasonal, local produce, diversify flavours and encourage children to sample international ingredients from all over the world.

School Day Clubs

In the afternoon and after lunch students can enjoy a variety of clubs to extend their experience on the learning journey. Several completely voluntary activities are organized such as chess, music or drama. Some extracurricular activities can also take place during this period.