Junior School

What a lovely morning in the Junior School. Our ‘Re-use, Reduce, Recycle’ themed parade brought out the creativity in the students, and parent helpers, as the costumes all had to be supporting the environment. We had lots of home made costumes, using everyday objects to produce wonderful new creations, younger siblings re-used favourite costumes of their older siblings and other 
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The students loved the book swap initiative and enjoyed picking a book from the wide selection of books that other students had brought in. Everyone who brought in a book could chose which one they wanted to swap their book for. The books that were left over will be added to the class libraries for reading time.
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En The Academy siempre hemos estado orgullosos de la generosidad de nuestra comunidad escolar a lo largo de los años. Nos gustaría recordarles a todos nuestras dos campañas navideñas benéficas de este año: En el Junior School tenemos la 15º edición de la campaña de los regalos de navidad en las cajas de zapatos (Shoe Box Appeal), para recoger y 
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